Advice from a Dog Laminated Bookmark
This dog bookmark is the perfect way to bring the lessons your dog teaches you every day, everywhere. Delight in the Simple Joys with a quick peek at your bookmark offering wise words from Man’s Best Friend. Appreciate every moment in full-color for years to come with our laminated bookmarks, printed on recycled paper to reduce paper consumption. Buy in a large quantity to share or a single bookmark just for you.
Be loyal / Delight in the simple joys of a long walk / Unleash your talents / Hide your favorite snack / Make new friends / Learn new Tricks no matter your age / When loved ones come home, always run to greet them!
Full-color | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"

Advice from a Dog Laminated Bookmark
I bought several of the Advice for Life Bookmarks, including the advice from a dog.
I put them to good use, and always read the advice before I start reading my book. The advice is uplifting and true.
These are sturdy bookmarks with good advice for everyone. As a Lab lover and owner, I couldn't resist buying this bookmark. I volunteer for a Lab rescue and write the donor "thank-you" letters. We have a few donors that are so loyal and giving that I include one of these bookmarks in their letter.
This is a great company. The customer service is unsurpassed. I lost my order and they sent an immediate replacement. I would always buy from them.