Contact Us

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Phone: 800.992.4769 | Fax: 303.479.8100 | Email Patti at:
Billing: PO BOX 272309, Fort Collins, CO 80527
Shipping from Bend, OR.

custom orders

For more information on custom orders or to download the order form, visit our wholesale page. To submit your order, email your pdf form to Patti at:


prospective licensing

Interested in licensing with us? Fill out our form so we can get to know you and how you’d like to utilize our properties.

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donation requests

For more information on donation requests, email Allison at:


permission to quote

Often we will grant written permission to quote or reprint Advice for Life properties to use in your printed materials or projects. Request permission here:

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non-profit partnerships

Co-create a powerful, win-win partnership with like-minded, socially & environmentally aligned organizations.

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