How we can work with you:

  • Co-branded items, custom Advice or campaigns
  • Items for donor gifts, membership incentives and volunteer appreciation
  • Favorable pricing for Advice items for resale online
  • Licensing of Advice images on items for mail solicitation campaigns
  • Ilan keynote at conferences

How can YOU help us create a win-win?

  • Mentions in newsletters
  • Online sponsorship mentions and logos


Some of our success stories:

  • Environmental Defense Fund | Mail solicitation campaigns utilizing over 15 million advice cards
  • International Dark Skies Association | Donation from product sales, conference sponsorship, membership incentives, volunteer gifts, co-branded custom items

  • American Hiking Association | Co-branded items for membership incentives, etc.
  • Butterfly Pavilion | Event sponsorship, co-branded items,  education programs

Interested in becoming a partner?

 Email Patti at 

Just would like a donation?

 Email Allison at