FRONT | ADVICE FROM A CAMPFIRETM Bring people together / Spark new ideas / Kindle strong friendships / Radiate warmth / No smoking / Be a good storyteller / Don’t go to bed fired up!
Full-color, Blank Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
Celebrate lasting friendships / Sow seeds of kindness / Listen to sage advice / Don’t let the little things bug you / Be outstanding in your field / Take thyme for yourself!
Full-color, Blank Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
These cards are so perfect and so well received by my family and friends. I really love them and need to buy more soon as I seem unable to hang on to them!
FRONT | ADVICE FROM A GORILLATM Be at home in nature / Stay well groomed / Be a prime mate / Stand up for your beliefs / Avoid hairy situations / Get a grip / Evolve!
Full-color, Blank Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
FRONT | ADVICE FROM A LLAMATM Pack life with. fun / Have a gentle spirit / Own your genius / Celebrate your heritage / Make people smile / Experience shear joy / Spit it out!
Full-color, Blank Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
FRONT | ADVICE FROM A MANATEETM Breathe deep / Glide through your day / Have a gentle spirit / Enjoy time alone / Eat plenty of greens / Keep you whiskers clean / Live large!
Full-color, Blank Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
FRONT | ADVICE FROM A PALM TREETM Reach High / Stand Your Ground / Soak Up Some Sun / Be Flexible / Find Your Oasis / Weather Life’s Storms / Spend Time at the Beach!
Full-color, Blank Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
The Advice From A Palm Tree greeting card is a classic match for palm decor. It is not only advice from a tree but a palm tree. The paper is glossy and the inside green border of the card matches the palm greeting. Thank you.
Advice from a Palm Tree Greeting Card
Advice from a Palm Tree
Got a small selection of cards from a charity solicitation and like them so much I ordered the whole set for myself. The cards are appropriate to lots of situations and unique.
verna kratzenberg
The “Advice From A” was the best most uplifting fun cards to read and then to send. I gave them as presents. Everyone was amazed at the uniqueness and creativity!!!
Kit Kratzenberg Murrysville PA
FRONT | ADVICE FROM A PUPPYTM Take time to play / Put your heart into it / Explore your world /Enjoy a good nap / Make new friends / Keep your nose clean / Be irresistible!
INSIDE | Wishing you a paw-itively happy day!
Full-color Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
FRONT | ADVICE FROM A REDWOODTM Stand tall and proud / Sink your roots into the earth / Be content with your natural beauty / Go out on a limb / Drink plenty of water / Remember your roots / Enjoy the view!
Full-color, Blank Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
FRONT | ADVICE FROM A REINDEERTM Appreciate snowy days / Rack up happy memories / Enjoy the great outdoors / Make deer friends / Know when to hoof it / Put a jingle in your step / Chill out!
Full-color, Blank Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
With the Advice from a Reindeer card on the very first read the name of one of my grandsons leaped to my mind. This card will be so meaningful to him. And in truth, l find tis is the case with virtually every one of the “advice” cards in the collection. I also love the humor in the play on words. [Years ago l had my fifth grade class choose a photo each from out-of-date Serra desk calendars and then write advice statements to the world. This was so much fun for them because the kids were inner city kids and I used this activity as prep for our. Week long camping trip…so of course l’ve fallen love with these clever cards!
FRONT | ADVICE FROM A SNAILTM Take it slow Pace yourself Home is where you make it Keep moving forward Be close to the earth Leave behind something of beauty Come out of your shell!
Full-color, Blank Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
FRONT | ADVICE FROM A TREETM Stand tall and proud / Sink your roots into the earth / Be content with your natural beauty / Go out on a limb / Drink plenty of water / Remember your roots / Enjoy the view!
INSIDE | Don't think of it as getting older, think of it as new growth! Happy Birthday
Full-color Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
Advice from an airplane . . . from a fellow pilot
Use your best ROC (rate of climb)
In turbulence level your wings
Learn how to recover from upset
Balance work & play
Enjoy the view from cruising altitude
Barbara Dougherty
I like all of the cards, they are real fun to give and to receive.
Stand tall and proud / Sink your roots into the earth / Be content with your natural beauty / Go out on a limb / Drink plenty of water / Remember your roots / Enjoy the view!
Full-color, Blank Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
The tree reminds us to stand tall and proud! These Greeting Cards can help uplift during tough times or are great for life changing moments like graduations or having a child.
Stand tall and proud / Sink your roots into the Earth / Be content with your natural beauty / Drink plenty of water / Enjoy the view! - ADVICE FROM A TREETM
Single Greeting Card | Full-color, Blank Interior | Kraft or White envelopes included | Printed on felt paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
FRONT | ADVICE FROM A TROUTTM Show your true colors / Be a good catch / Don’t be lured by shiny objects / Scale back / Cherish clean water / Know when to keep your mouth shut / Don’t give up without a fight!
INSIDE | Best fishes for a very Happy Birthday
Full-color Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
My sister absolutely loved the Advice from a Trout Birthday Card! Her comment was "How do you find such great stuff?" Advice for LIfe made me look GOOD!
Georgia Nuss
Love them!!!!
I love every single one of the cards!
They are so creative!!!
Be I especially love the author’s comments on “wait“ I actually sent that on to my friends. So true!
I did not realize until I ordered them that half for birthday cards. I would have preferred all without specifying a particular event. That way they could be used for multiple purposes.
FRONT | ADVICE FROM A TROUTTM Show your true colors / Be a good catch / Don’t be lured by shiny objects / Scale back / Cherish clean water / Know when to keep your mouth shut / Don’t give up without a fight!
Full-color, Blank Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
The Advice for Life cards can be personalized for every occasion. I've sent them for birthdays, anniversaries, or simply just "thinking of you." Each one has clever words of advice, typical of the animal but also relevant to life in general. They have always been appreciated from the recipient.
Advice from a Wildflower Birthday Card (Let happiness bloom)
FRONT | ADVICE FROM A WILDFLOWERTM Show your true colors / Delight in simple pleasures / Celebrate your natural beauty / Open up! / Spread seeds of joy / Blossom in your own season / Be wild and wonderful!
INSIDE | Let happiness bloom in every moment of your day! Happy Birthday
Full-color Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
Advice from a Wildflower Birthday Card (Let happiness bloom)
Georgia H.
Your Greeting Cards Rock!
Love Advice cards! Amongst their card selections, you can always find the perfect card for every occasion and every person's interest. (Family, friend or acquaintance. Age is never a problem.) The Wildflower Birthday card is a great example of being appropriate for that special someone!
Advice from a Wildflower Birthday Card (World is blossoming just for you)
FRONT | ADVICE FROM A WILDFLOWERTM Show your true colors / Delight in simple pleasures / Celebrate your natural beauty / Open up! / Spread seeds of joy / Blossom in your own season / Be wild and wonderful!
INSIDE | The whole world is blossoming just for you! Happy Birthday
Full-color Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
FRONT | ADVICE FROM A WILDFLOWERTM Show your true colors / Delight in simple pleasures / Celebrate your natural beauty / Open up! / Spread seeds of joy / Blossom in your own season / Be wild and wonderful!
Full-color, Blank Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"