Advice from a Bear Cub Laminated Bookmark
Advice from A BEAR CUBTM
Explore your world/Get out and play/Ask for help if you need it/Go out on a limb/Make every day an adventure/Get plenty of sleep/Hang on!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
Put one in every Christmas card. Folks loved them!
Great bookmark! My grandson (5) loved it. He has just started reading chapter books before bed and will use this. Very well made.
Advice from a Bobcat Laminated Bookmark
Walk Softly in Nature / Spot Opportunities / Pounce on Possibilities / Take Some Time Alone / Stay on Track / Be at Home in the Woods / Enjoy the Nightlife!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
Advice from a Chipmunk Laminated Bookmark
Advice from A CHIPMUNKTM
Be playful / Hit the ground running / It’s OK to be a little cheeky / Earn your stripes / Plan ahead / Be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed / Stay chipper!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
I have a garden theme going with my staff and many have chosen garden icons/personalities for themselves. The products here make great gift items for those whose garden personalities are found in here: ladybug, fairy, chipmunk, bee, hawk, cactus, etc…
The bookmark is well made, waterproof, and super cute! It will hold up to repeated, lengthy use.
Love all my bookmarks. They even hold up well with the grandkids using them!
Advice from a Coyote Laminated Bookmark
Advice from A COYOTETM
Be Curious / Adapt to Your Surroundings / Stand Up Fur Your Friends / Travel Under the Stars< / Keep Your Ears Open / Know When to Make Tracks / Have a Howling Good Time!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
Advice from a Coyote Laminated Bookmark
Thank you so much for providing these delightful laminated bookmarks! Someone had a fun time coming up with all the clever sayings on them, am I right? Anyway, I'm grateful to have come across them. Also, thank you for the two extra ones you put in my order...appreciate it!
Advice from a Deer Laminated Bookmark
Advice from A DEERTM
Look booth ways before you cross the road / Be a good listener / Know when to lay low / Tread lightly on the Earth / Take time to browse / Leap over obstacles / Don’t pass the buck!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
Advice from a Golden Eagle Laminated Bookmark
Advice from a Golden EagleTM
Spread your wings / Have a clear vision / Soar to new heights / Keep a keen perspective / Swoop down on opportunities / Live large / Make golden memories!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
I love Advice For Life products. They are beautifully crafted, and have some serious and humorous advice. I volunteer at a location that counts migrating fall hawks and eagles, and we get a large number of the very special Golden Eagles. I bought the bookmarks to give to the dedicated volunteers who spend many hours in the cold and snow to gather the data on these great birds. The bookmarks warmed their hearts. Thank you.
Advice from a Grizzly Laminated Bookmark
Advice from a GrizzlyTM
Stand your ground / Sniff out opportunities / Use your strengths / Live large / Cherish the wilderness / Know when to slow down / If it itches, scratch it!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
I love 😍 my 2 Advice from a Grizzly bear Bookmark 📑 I recommend this company to anyone who's interested in buying like what I just ordered. I love 😍 and appreciate how honest and accurate they are. It's a pleasure to know them😃.
Advice from a Moose Laminated Bookmark
Think big / Spend time in the woods / Eat plenty of greens / Hold your head up high / Stay on track / Keep your nose clean / It’s OK to be a little wild!
Full-color | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
Love all my products- will be using them at teacher workshops in the spring- are the unlimited bookmarks available any more - would love to be able to afford more products and the laminated ones are more expensive than those I used to buy
Advice from a Mushroom Laminated Bookmark
Really enjoy your products
Advice from a Squirrel Bookmark - Laminated
Advice from a SquirrelTM
Look both ways when you cross the road / Plan ahead / Stay active / Eat plenty of fiber / Spend time in the woods / Go out on a limb / It's OK to be a little nuts!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
Love advice, especially about going nuts sometimes
Advice from a Squirrel Laminated Bookmark
Advice from a Trail Laminated Bookmark
Advice from a TrailTM
Give back to the earth with this Advice from a Trail bookmark. We celebrate the world and all it gives to us by giving back a portion of your purchase as a donation to our partner, American Hiking Society. Advice from a Trail can help you find your path. Find inspiration with every turn of the page by marking your place with this trail bookmark. Explore the twists and turns of a good book just like a good trail. Pack life with good memories with this recycled paper bookmark, laminated to last. We donate to the American Hiking Society to help maintain trails in the Rocky Mountains and more.
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
This bookmark taps into my outdoorsy side. Bit pricy for a laminated rectangle, but it will do.
Love how sturdy they are and I love the messages on them.
I purchased this at the gift shop at Big Island’s Volcano National Park a few weeks ago. The sentiments written here spoke deeply to me and I smile now whenever I read them. The card stock is of high quality and sturdy, and this version of Advice From A Trail is laminated to last a long time (there is an unlaminated version available too). I love how a donation is made to various charities with every purchase too! What a great company and a great idea! I’m so happy with my bookmark! 🙂💙🌿
Love the idea of Advice from a Trail, but just wasn’t too taken with the sayings. After a long absence, I was able to be back in the Co mts, and thought of my experience. Your writers can certainly do better than these suggestions. Thank you for a great product.
Breath deep air with each step.
Feel and smell the breezes swaying the tree tops.
Watch your steps, but look up for little critters.
Sturdy shoes prevent sprained ankles.
Trail’s end can be breathtakingly beautiful.
Advice from a Turtle Laminated Bookmark
Advice from a TurtleTM
Come out of your shell / Be well-rounded / Slow down / Know when to stick your neck out / Log time with friends / Home is where your heart is / Snap out of it!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
It makes me smile as I think about things I don’t take enough time to
The bookmarkers are captivating and provide positive thoughts...what is not to love!?
Advice from an Elk Laminated Bookmark
Advice from AN ELKTM
Don't get stuck in a rut / Cherish wide open spaces / Appreciate life's high points / Be at home in the woods / Make your voice heard / Know when to make tracks / Be magnificent!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
Advice from an Owl Laminated Bookmark
Trust in your wise, feathered friend with this Advice from an Owl bookmark. Printed on recycled paper and laminated to last, carry your advice with you wherever you go! Listen for what the owl has to say and Be “whoo” you are with a little help from this owl bookmark. Beautifully illustrated by our team at Your True Nature, we want to help you Glide through dark times just like an owl would with this bookmark. Available as a single bookmark or in a quantity pack for you and all your owling friends to enjoy!
Stay Focused / Be “Whoo” You Are / Trust in a Wise Friend / Live Off the Land / Glide Through the Dark Times / Be Observant / Life’s a Hoot
Full-color | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
Great gifts
So, I own: the Rose, the Ocean, the Owl, the Rainbow, the Sunflower, the Coffee Bean, and the Cat. I love them all! The several sayings are thoughtful, simple, insigtful. I will give a few as gifts. The company is reliable, quick shipping. The bookmarks are sturdy - good thick lamination. I recommend to my family and friends. People who read books, still, love these bookmarks. Thank you! I will very likely be ordering more...
Advice from an Owl Laminated Bookmark
The post office lost my order and when I contacted ADVICE FOR LIFE they immediately sent me a new shipment, which arrived today. I love my Owl bookmarks and I am giving them to my grandkids whom I am running a nature camp for this week. So I really love the product and the customer service. I highly recommend this company.
My best bookmark ever.
Online ordering available! Get started on your Advice wholesale order today.