Advice from a Bear Cub Laminated Bookmark
Advice from A BEAR CUBTM
Explore your world/Get out and play/Ask for help if you need it/Go out on a limb/Make every day an adventure/Get plenty of sleep/Hang on!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
Put one in every Christmas card. Folks loved them!
Great bookmark! My grandson (5) loved it. He has just started reading chapter books before bed and will use this. Very well made.
Advice from a Bison Laminated Bookmark
Stand your ground / Have a tough hide / Keep moving on / Cherish wide open spaces / Have a strong spirit / Roam wild and free / Let the chips fall where they may!
Full-color | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
I actually purchased several laminated bookmarks with advice from many different living things. I have used them as gifts and for myself they are awesome and beautiful!
Love these bookmarks. They give thoughtful encouragement with a touch of humor.
Advice from a Bobcat Laminated Bookmark
Walk Softly in Nature / Spot Opportunities / Pounce on Possibilities / Take Some Time Alone / Stay on Track / Be at Home in the Woods / Enjoy the Nightlife!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
Advice from a Bristlecone Pine Laminated Bookmark
Sink your roots into the Earth / Keep growing / Be content with your natural beauty / Weather adversity / Go out on a limb / It’s OK to be a little gnarly / Honor your elders!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
Great bookmarks!
Having seen numerous bristlecone pines, the advice fits it to a “t”….
Advice from a Chipmunk Laminated Bookmark
Advice from A CHIPMUNKTM
Be playful / Hit the ground running / It’s OK to be a little cheeky / Earn your stripes / Plan ahead / Be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed / Stay chipper!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
I have a garden theme going with my staff and many have chosen garden icons/personalities for themselves. The products here make great gift items for those whose garden personalities are found in here: ladybug, fairy, chipmunk, bee, hawk, cactus, etc…
The bookmark is well made, waterproof, and super cute! It will hold up to repeated, lengthy use.
Love all my bookmarks. They even hold up well with the grandkids using them!
Advice from a Cliff Dwelling Laminated Bookmark
Advice from a Coffee Bean Laminated Bookmark
Awaken Your Senses / Be Bold / Have Good Taste / Drink in Life's Simple Pleasures / Savor Quiet Moments / Let Good Ideas Percolate / Break Out of the Daily Grind!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
I absolutely love these bookmarks! Not only are they gorgeous, they are the most user friendly that I have found so far, much less the story behind them. Great!
Advice from a Coyote Laminated Bookmark
Advice from A COYOTETM
Be Curious / Adapt to Your Surroundings / Stand Up Fur Your Friends / Travel Under the Stars< / Keep Your Ears Open / Know When to Make Tracks / Have a Howling Good Time!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
Advice from a Coyote Laminated Bookmark
Thank you so much for providing these delightful laminated bookmarks! Someone had a fun time coming up with all the clever sayings on them, am I right? Anyway, I'm grateful to have come across them. Also, thank you for the two extra ones you put in my order...appreciate it!
Advice from a Deer Laminated Bookmark
Advice from A DEERTM
Look booth ways before you cross the road / Be a good listener / Know when to lay low / Tread lightly on the Earth / Take time to browse / Leap over obstacles / Don’t pass the buck!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
Advice from a Dog Laminated Bookmark
This dog bookmark is the perfect way to bring the lessons your dog teaches you every day, everywhere. Delight in the Simple Joys with a quick peek at your bookmark offering wise words from Man’s Best Friend. Appreciate every moment in full-color for years to come with our laminated bookmarks, printed on recycled paper to reduce paper consumption. Buy in a large quantity to share or a single bookmark just for you.
Be loyal / Delight in the simple joys of a long walk / Unleash your talents / Hide your favorite snack / Make new friends / Learn new Tricks no matter your age / When loved ones come home, always run to greet them!
Full-color | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
These are sturdy bookmarks with good advice for everyone. As a Lab lover and owner, I couldn't resist buying this bookmark. I volunteer for a Lab rescue and write the donor "thank-you" letters. We have a few donors that are so loyal and giving that I include one of these bookmarks in their letter.
This is a great company. The customer service is unsurpassed. I lost my order and they sent an immediate replacement. I would always buy from them.
Advice from a Golden Eagle Laminated Bookmark
Advice from a Golden EagleTM
Spread your wings / Have a clear vision / Soar to new heights / Keep a keen perspective / Swoop down on opportunities / Live large / Make golden memories!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
I love Advice For Life products. They are beautifully crafted, and have some serious and humorous advice. I volunteer at a location that counts migrating fall hawks and eagles, and we get a large number of the very special Golden Eagles. I bought the bookmarks to give to the dedicated volunteers who spend many hours in the cold and snow to gather the data on these great birds. The bookmarks warmed their hearts. Thank you.
Advice from a Grizzly Laminated Bookmark
Advice from a GrizzlyTM
Stand your ground / Sniff out opportunities / Use your strengths / Live large / Cherish the wilderness / Know when to slow down / If it itches, scratch it!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
I love 😍 my 2 Advice from a Grizzly bear Bookmark 📑 I recommend this company to anyone who's interested in buying like what I just ordered. I love 😍 and appreciate how honest and accurate they are. It's a pleasure to know them😃.
Advice from a Hawk Laminated Bookmark
Advice from a HawkTM
Soar to new heights / Be a keen observer / Swoop down on opportunities / Rise above it all / Spread your wings / Find a field that suits you / The sky's the limit!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
Wonderful Bookmark and overall placeholder. Love Hawks and all raptors. My friends are now jealous and want one for themselves. Would definitely buy again.
Advice from a Kangaroo Laminated Bookmark
Hop to it
Pack only what you need
Avoid jumping to conclusions
Travel light
Get a kick out of life
It’s OK to be a little punchy
Enjoy the ride!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
Advice from a Kangaroo Rat Laminated Bookmark
Adapt to Your Surroundings
It's OK to Be a Little Cheeky
Plan Ahead
Live Life While You Can
Conserve Your Resources
Enjoy the Nightlife
Hop to it!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
Advice from a Marmot Laminated Bookmark
Advice from a MarmotTM
Keep a low profile / Be social / Make a cozy burrow / Gnaw away at problems / Eat plenty of greens / Learn to whistle / Always have an escape route!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
This entire series of bookmarks are substantial, creative and thoughtful. I bought them for all my friends.
Love it! During the summer, we work at a campground in southwestern Colorado. We had a LOT of marmots this year. They’re cute and fun to watch but they can be very destructive. I bought a variety of your products this year (marmot along with mountain, lake, river, tree, forest, trail, chipmunk, squirrel, rock, bear and owl) to use as gifts at the end of our camping season. Everybody enjoyed their gift but the Marmot bookmark was the hands down favorite!
Advice from a Moose Laminated Bookmark
Think big / Spend time in the woods / Eat plenty of greens / Hold your head up high / Stay on track / Keep your nose clean / It’s OK to be a little wild!
Full-color | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
Love all my products- will be using them at teacher workshops in the spring- are the unlimited bookmarks available any more - would love to be able to afford more products and the laminated ones are more expensive than those I used to buy
Advice from a Mountain Laminated Bookmark
Advice from a Mountain®
Reach for new heights / There is beauty as far as the eye can see / Climb beyond your limitations / Be uplifting / Savor life's peak experiences / Rise above it all / Rock on!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
Advice from a Mushroom Laminated Bookmark
Really enjoy your products
Advice from a Pika Laminated Bookmark
Advice from a PikaTM
Be Alert / Voice Your Opinion / Appreciate the Small Things in Life / Save for the Future / Sometimes We Have to Squeak By / Spend Time in the Mountains / Catch a Few Winks!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
Advice from a Rescue Laminated Bookmark
Advice from a RescueTM
Open your heart / Be up for second chances / Make new friends / Learn patience / Stay hopeful / Get a new "leash" on life / There's no place like home!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
Online ordering available! Get started on your Advice wholesale order today.