Advice from a Chickadee Birthday Card
Sing a cheerful tune / Be full of life / Learn to adapt / Spend time in the woods / Get along with everyone / Make a cozy nest / Be bold, no matter your size!
Full-color Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
The cards were great but shipping costs were outrageous. $40 shipping for 8 cards. Criminals.
Please check your email regarding this Canada shipping charge issue. I hope to make this right with you. -Patti
I really enjoy reading all of the Advice For Life cards. There's a special love for chickadees that I share with the friend who will receive this card soon on her birthday.
Advice from a Bluebird Laminated Bookmark
Spread a little happiness with Advice From A Bluebird, featured on this laminated bookmark printed of recycled paper.
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
The bookmarks were beautiful.
I have enjoyed giving them as small tokens.
I used these as instillation of officers of an organization quoting a phrase from each bookmark fitting for the office. They were a big hit.
I handed the bookmarks out to my Yoga class and then my grandkids.
They all loved them and really enjoyed the choices.
This bookmark brings a smile to everyone who sees it
I love using these bookmarks! The colors are beautiful, and the words are inspiring! Some advice is almost mischievous and makes me smile.
Advice from a Raven Laminated Bookmark
Advice from a RavenTM
Be Curious / Use Your Wits / Don't Be a Picky Eater / Take Time to Play / Be Adaptable / Make Your Voice Heard /Don't Let Life Ruffle Your Feathers!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
I bought the raven, cat and penquin for my grandsons .The advice is similar to each ones personality .All three love to read.
Great and a great gift
Would love to see more animals added to your beautiful collection
I love the bookmark and look forward to using it. I am a big fan of Advice for Life.
Advice from a Hummingbird Greeting Card
Sip the sweet moments / Let your true colors glow / Don’t get your feathers ruffled over the little things / Be a nectar collector / Some days are just a humdinger / Just wing it / Keep your visits short and sweet!
Full-color, Blank Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
Same as above
Perfect card for a person that had two hummingbird feeders and a birthday Friday!
The quality of the cards and bookmarks I ordered was excellent. I also appreciated the personal note on my packing slip as well as the extra goodies that were enclosed! Thank you! I'll be a repeat customer!
Advice from a Chickadee Laminated Bookmark
Sing a cheerful tune / Be full of life / Learn to adapt / Spend time in the woods / Get along with everyone / Make a cozy nest / Be bold, no matter your size!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
These will memorialize my mom who passed at 90 after five years of dementia. Her caregivers were heroes to my brothers and me, our mom had the spirit of a chickadee in all the ways noted on the bookmark.
Love it
Quality bookmark that will endure repeated use. Beautiful design and photo of the Chickadee. I like that the encouraging words will be preserved by the lamination.
Beautiful and built to last
Advice from a Peacock Greeting Card
Full-color, Blank Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
I feel it fit the concept about the peacock. I also feel that a peacock stands out and spreads beauty just like Jesus.
Advice from a Peacock Greeting Card
Advice from a Peacock Greeting Card
Advice from a Loon Laminated Bookmark
Advice from a LoonTM
Spend time at the lake / Enjoy a good swim / Call your friends / A little color goes a long way / Surround yourself with beauty /Enjoy time alone / Dive into life!
Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
Ordered 20. 19 are great! 1 has laminate coming off! Not so great. 😢
Advice from a Great Blue Heron Laminated Bookmark
Advice from a Great Blue HeronTM
Wade into life / Keep a keen lookout / Don't be afraid to get your feet wet / Be patient / Look below the surface / Enjoy a good reed / Go fish! Full-color | Printed on recycled paper | Laminated | Made in the USA | 2.25" x 8.25"
This is a perfect bookmark! I love glancing at it each time I open and close a book I am reading.
These cards are so great - I bought a bunch and tied them with ribbons to give as gifts. The messages are so perfect!
Advice from a Hummingbird Birthday Card
Sip the sweet moments / Let your true colors glow / Don’t get your feathers ruffled over the little things / Be a nectar collector / Some days are just a humdinger / Just wing it / Keep your visits short and sweet!
INSIDE | You're just the sweetest! Hope your day is too! Happy Birthday
Full-color Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
Advice from an Eagle Greeting Card
Full-color, Blank Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
quality, service, promises kept
The whole collection is wonderful. For the Eagle, it is the mascot for the school that I taught for many years. And a great card for graduating senior award winners who achieved great accomplishments.
Advice from an Eagle Greeting Card
My recipients all love these cards. They are fun, clever, beautiful and work for all occasions.
Very impressed. I bought it to frame as a guft.
Advice from an Owl Greeting Card - Blank
Single Greeting Card | Full-color, Blank Interior | Kraft or White envelope included | Printed on felt paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
Advice from a Sandhill Crane Laminated Bookmark
Advice from an Eagle Jumbo Magnet
Advice from a Chickadee Greeting Card
Sing a cheerful tune / Be full of life / Learn to adapt / Spend time in the woods / Get along with everyone / Make a cozy nest / Be bold, no matter your size!
Full-color, Blank Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
They are very nice cards.
Great product and customer service. I look forward to future orders
Comments are cute yet inspiring
Advice from a Raven Greeting Card
Be curious / Use your wits / Don’t be picky / Take time to play / Be adaptable / Make your voice heard / Don’t let life ruffle your feathers!
Full-color, Blank Interior | Envelope included | Printed on cardstock paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
I love these cards. I’d love to purchase an entire set.
Advice from a Raven Jumbo Magnet
When I think if a raven I think of Edgar Allen Poe. I finally decided that I had to have it as I like birds. It's a beautiful big magnet. Also the item was delivered to me in a timely manner. Good job by all involved.
Advice from a Chickadee Jumbo Magnet
Love the cute chickadee magnet- very well made and pretty.
Advice from a Pelican Laminated Bookmark
I found my first Advice bookmark while vacationing in Yellowstone/Grand Teton National Parks I bought several One got destroyed and I looked for them everywhere I finally googled and found the awesome company I have bought a lot more (Have been
unable to find the Yellowstone or Grand Teton ones)
I love all of them Great Advice!!
Advice from a Sandhill Crane Jumbo Magnet
Advice from a Loon Jumbo Magnet
I love mine!
Advice from a Bluebird Greeting Card - Blank
Single Greeting Card | Full-color, Blank Interior | Kraft or White envelope included | Printed on felt paper | Made in the USA | 5" x 7"
Bought this card for a young camper.
She loved it. Such a creative saying.
Advice from a Bluebird Greeting Card - Blank
Online ordering available! Get started on your Advice wholesale order today.