Survive Winter by Opting Outside



Let’s face it, many people aren’t cold weather fans. Snow covered trails and roads, frozen lakes, and frosty noses; winter can cramp the “Get Outside” mantra. It’s hard to not mourn the absence of summer activities. The good thing is, winter really is just a sojourn, a temporary stay. If you were able to live in a place with four seasons growing up, then you remember the utter joy of those cold months. Sledding, skiing, snow angels, snowmen, and general frolicking in a white wonderland. Somehow growing up, that child-like wonder dissipated into a disgruntled attitude toward all things winter. Don’t let it! Channel that inner youth and remember your goals to get fit and get outdoors. Be like an octopus and “suck it up!”!

Here are some Winter Activities to explore: 

Cross-Country Skiing:

Skiing on flat land is hard work, requiring a lot of energy and generating body heat. Not only will you be burning calories, but you’ll also be working a number of muscles. Some things to remember, longer skis are for the more advanced/athletic; while shorter skis are for those with little experience. Dress in a way that keeps you warm, but also ventilates; because you will be sweating! Imagine, the repetitive movement of your skis beneath you as you traverse a snow covered trail. Check out the trees covered in a white blanket, matching that of the powder on the ground. Silence is deafening, your breath blows steam as you work hard to catch your breath. That exhilaration you remember as a child has returned. If you have your own children, bring them along! Make it a family affair and help establish memories they will carry into the future.

Snowshoeing or Winter Hiking:

Just like skiing, snowshoeing or hiking through snow packed trails will work your muscles hard. This mode of travel will  also give you the freedom to traverse through woods and other terrain, you may not be able to otherwise. Imagine being in the middle of a winter fairyland, invigorated by the walk you just accomplished. Don't forget a camera, because you never know what you may come across. Adventures and wonders are always found on the unbeaten paths. 

Tubing or Sledding:

If you have little ones in the house, buy or borrow a sled, and go for a jaunt down a trail. If the kids are older, find a tube and hill and let loose. Trekking through snow isn’t easy, so you can burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time. Add in a hill and you’ll be working even harder. Celebrate with some hot chocolate afterwards and let your heart be warmed with the memories. 

Other winter activities you can do are ice skating, down-hill skiing, snowboarding, hockey, or a good old fashioned snowball fight. Bundle up and get in the yard! Snow Angels and snowmen await your winter artistic abilities. Don’t let the cold month blues stop you from staying healthy. If you really can’t stand being outside; there’s always treadmills, workout classes, and the faithful gym. Either way, take Advice from a Penguin and “Appreciate snow days” and you will survive winter. You might even enjoy it.